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Quick Extender Pro packages

Tension springs
3000 g
Original design
Medical device
Money back guarantee
10 days

Tension springs
3500 G
Large(4), Medium(2), Small rods(6), Silicone tubes(6)
Storage case

Tension springs
4000 G
Large(6), Medium(2), Small rods(6), Silicone tubes(6)
Penis pump, Memory foam pads, wooden box, replacement springs

Tension springs
4000 G
Large(4), Medium(2), Small rods(6), Silicone tubes(6)
Storage case
There are many famous penis extenders on the market today. Why famous? Because only a lazy blogger in this thread does not write about them.
I will still list the criteria by which I rate Quick Extender Pro as the best and most efficient:
Why Quick Extender Pro? The Benefits
I have been dealing with penis extenders for more than 4 years. And not just as a journalist but also as a user who has dreamed of enlarging his penis all his life.
I was always shy about my penis size. It bothered me a lot, it was difficult to build relationships with girls, and sometimes I didn’t even know how to show my penis to them. Its initial length was only 12 cm.
It was very small, and when I graduated from the Medical Institute at the Department of Urology, I knew that penis enlargement would become my best dream.
I am sure that you, like me, have been thinking about how to make your penis bigger and, of course, naturally. After all, it is 2023 on the road, and technologies have been invented that allow you to straighten the penis naturally.
I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about Penis traction technology by now and I won’t tell you how it works. After all, tens or hundreds of thousands of educational materials have been written, said, and filmed about this.
All you want to know is which penis extender is the best. If you ask yourself this way, you have not yet studied the topic very deeply. But for a quick answer,
I’ll say – this is Quick Extender Pro.
This is my favorite penis traction device simply because it worked for me, and 7 other devices that I bought and used could not perform as well as Quick Extender Pro.
Quick Extender Pro PROS and CONS
Before you make a purchase decision
get quick extender pro to enlarge your penis by 3,5"
Quick Extender Pro came out the winner in the fight for 1st place in my ranking of devices
In fact, I have already written dozens of different comparison reviews about penis extenders.
I’ve done a lot of product testing videos, I’ve really been on this topic for a very long time and I’ve been able to enlarge my penis by 4 inches already, which is surprising to many, even very experienced users on the forums.
Only advanced technology, proper usage, the right package, and a complex strategy. It’s all around the Quick Extender Pro. Click here to visit the official site.
I will tell you in detail how I used the device and how to achieve impressive results.
Should an extender be right for you?
What could that mean? Isn’t this device suitable for everyone? I assure you, penis stretching devices do have several significant differences. What do they depend on?
- 1Devices can be of the classic format when a base is used to hold the head of the penis, rods and tension screws
- 2Devices can be vacuum adhesives such as Phallosan Forte or Penimaster PRO
- 3There are penis traction devices in the collection that have very common length and tension settings
- 4The way you wear penis extenders may vary. This applies to vacuum-adhesive devices, rod-strap based devices
- 5Some penis stretchers have a very limited number of accessories, which may affect your comfort
- 6Classic devices should have a set of rods of different lengths in order to set it based on the size of your penis accurately
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Effectiveness and safety
So, I argue that a quality penis stretching procedure with a Quick Extender Pro is associated with the ability to personalize devices to your anatomy, your sensations, traction level, penis length, and even its width.
Some penis extenders do not consider all these parameters and wishes of the user, which means that their use will be associated with problems and poor efficiency.
Quick Extender Pro comes out as the winner here. This device has its own unique DSS technology and design ( Double Strap Support ) and supports in two places at once, so it is comfortable to wear and does not slip out of the structure.
In addition, some of the Quick Extender Pro packages include many accessories and spare parts, rods, and tension screws for different tension. All this makes using the device as comfortable, personalized, and efficient as possible.
I always fine-tune my penis extender before using it:
- I set the length of the rods according to my user size
- I focus on the correct tension settings
- I use memory foam pads/comfort pads to protect my penis head
- I carefully fix the penis in the device so that I feel comfortable
I always know that the best result from using Quick Extender Pro is the combination of comfort and traction. There will be no effect if the tension is insufficient; if it is excessive, there may be discomfort.
Friction in the area of the head of the penis always occurs while wearing the device and various comfort pads attached to silicone loops minimize them. With Quick Extender Pro, I have always been able to wear the device for up to 2 hours per session.
This unique ability to combine comfort and traction, as well as the precision of settings, is combined in Quick Extender Pro technology.
How to Increase My Penis Size with QEP?
- I need to use the extender daily for 4-5 hours. But honestly, you can even use it for only 3 hours a day
- I need to take breaks between sessions. At first, I wore the extender for only 30-40 minutes per session.
- I have to set the correct tension level. How to check it? The traction should be sufficient and felt, but there should be no pain.
- I must take care that all comfort accessories are used correctly in order to protect my penis from any injury or discomfort.
- I have to take care of the hygiene of using the device. Quick Extender Pro protects against bacterial infections as its Comfort pads are breathable
Before and after pictures(Quick Extender Pro results)
Look at my initial and final penis size. I made this picture before I started to use Quick Extender Pro
You can check my before and after results. I used this penis extender for over 6 months and gained 3 inches in length and almost an inch in girth. I was amazed by the speed of the results.
I was able to become 1 inch bigger in just 3 months. But you have to understand that your penis stretching process may stop one day and you’ll need to improve your penis enlargement routine to continue the penis growth.
Quick Extender Pro was clinically tested to improve the size by up to 28%. But you should read messages on forums to learn the truth about real user gains.
The adaption period takes 14 days. This is the easiest routine for men. You need to wear the device for about 30-45 minutes per session and then take a break. Your penis tissues will get used to the pressure and you will need to add a 0,5 cm bar to increase the tension from 600 to 800 gr and so on.
What Quick Extender Pro provides?
I checked the promises on the official website and drew certain conclusions.
Therefore, below is a list of the real features of the extender, which may differ from the official one, as this is my personal experience:
- Quick Extender Pro allows you to increase the penis up to 4 inches in length with long-term use (from 4-8 months)
- Quick Extender Pro increases penis width up to 3.5 inches
- This device can straighten the penis. For this, a special package has been created with reinforced spring tension and the maximum number of accessories for comfort
- I really did not see any side effects from using the device. I was uncomfortable if I was pulling too hard or putting on the extender incorrectly. All this experience and discomfort can appear only at first.
- The device is quite simple, although it is psychologically difficult to imagine how one can put one’s penis into an instrument of this type. But those men who can overcome doubts will definitely benefit from getting rid of their psychological complexes.
- The maximum pressure I set after 7 months of using the device is 1600 gr. At the same time, the springs in Quick Extender Pro are in the maximum package and the package for getting rid of Peyronie’s disease – is 4000 gr
- After using the extender for just 2 weeks, I began to feel an improvement in my erection. And after 1-2 months, I was really able to strengthen my erection.
- You will notice increased sexual desire after a few months of using Quick Extender Pro. This is due to improved blood circulation in the penis.
- Now, about the money-back guarantee – it really works, and you can return the money for the device if it is ineffective during the 180 days. At the same time, I did not see on the forums that someone complained about the device so much that they wanted to return it. As for me, it is made taking into account all the wishes of users who complained about the unsatisfactory level of comfort of devices such as SizeGenetics
- I ordered additional comfort accessories after purchasing the device simply because I wanted to upgrade them and use Memory foam pads
Deluxe Limited Edition
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Quick Extender Pro Advantages
I would be cunning if I did not talk about the disadvantages of the Quick Extender Pro device from the user’s point of view.
Therefore, here is my list. I do not consider all these shortcomings to be critical, but they are:
- This is a very simple device despite its non-standard DSS solution. It is very light, while the materials from which it is made are of very average quality.
- I do not recommend buying the most minimal package(Value edition), as it does not include many important accessories for comfort(memory foam pads, penis pump).
- In the minimum package, you will not have a case to store the device, but you need one since we are talking about the accuracy of the settings you must set, and the device is designed for your penis. It needs to be cared for and stored properly.
- When purchasing the cheapest package(Value Edition), you will have a very small selection of rods. With such a set, you can hardly count on good results.
- Overall, Quick Extender Pro is a very cheap(from $119) device in its minimal version. Moreover, the price is clearly small compared to the level of technology and its offered implementation.
Newbie routine
- 1 week – use 1.5 hours a day for 3 sets of 30 minutes
- 2 weeks – use 2 hours a day for 3 sets of 40 minutes 1 month – use 2.5 hours a day for
- 3 sets of 40 minutes 2-3 months – use 3.5 hours a day 2 sets of 1.5 hours 4-5 months – use 4 hours a day 2 sets of 2 hours 5-8 months – use 5-6 hours a day 3 sets of 2 hours
During the adaption period, you should make more breaks, massage the penis and listen to your body. You need to get used to the device. Do not rush, you won’t get the results fast, so you need to be patient when it comes to natural penis enlargement.
Beginners make many mistakes, but it’s important to use the lightest tension, check out the settings, and take off the device once you feel uncomfortable. You need to avoid pain and redness. It might happen when you wear the device too long or use the wrong settings.
How to Buy Quick Extender Pro
So, you should be aware that the manufacturer often offers discounts on the device. For example, at the moment (Aug 2023), there is a discount with a DEALDAY coupon.
Don’t forget to enter the coupon to save 20%.
I recommend buying the device officially from the manufacturer on its website. For this, an online store has been created, where you can choose one of 4 packages.
I will not describe their content but only say that for those men who want to achieve results, you should choose DEXULE LIMITED EDITION. As for penis straightening, the PEYRONIES package was created for this DEVICE.
Payment is possible in a convenient way for you(credit card/PayPal). You definitely get the original extender at the best price. And most importantly, it is covered by quality and money-back guarantees.
Buy One of Four Quick Extender Pro packages
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Quick Extender Pro Testimonials
I own QEP and I am verry happy with the results. I am suing this device for two month and I have gone from 5.9" to justabove 7.2" at that time. I can recommend to use most suitable the shedule and stick to it. If you follow your routine you'll get results for sure...
James D.
USA, California

I started my PE with Quick Extender Pro in Dec in 2022 and I thought I'll gain aroun 1" on my erected penis, but I have doubled this result. I would give my PE program the thums up. I can get to 6 1/8" on my stretched flaccid penis.
Paul baker

I am now 5 mo into my PE journey and I am really satisfied. My BPEL has gone form 6.25" to 7,5". My EG with QEP has gone from 5.1" to 5.9". My gains is now enough that my wife should tell a difference.. It's really thicker now and I can penetra her deeper. This is a real ego boost!
Jason parker
India, Dheli

I've bought Quick extender pro and I have gained 1.75" in 3,5 months. I was really consistent in my routine and my first results were impressive. I use a gauze to avoid pinching. My penis did not slip out any singe time and I got used to wear the device. So I can recommend it to everyone...
Samuel F.

I've been using this device(QEP) for 3 months already and I can report my first results - around 1 inch in length. I was a bit confused by the tension lines, but now I know how to use it correctly. I've been using light tension(3 lines) and now I use 2 lines and feel more power with this device.
Hovard Sandiko
Czeck Republick

I now have of 2-2.25" longer than my flaccid penis. I have an amazing stretch and really good results. Quick Extender Pro is really inexpensive and quality. I've found a lot of bars in the kit as long as additional comfort pads and memory foam pads, which I like the most. Overall, this is a good penis extender and I will continue to use it
Darren Michael

How to Use Quick Extender Pro
Measure your penis in a semi-recumbent position(user size)
Put the penis extender base on the rods according to your user size measurements
Wear the Quick Extender Pro for at least 30 minutes in the first days. Then you will feel you can wear it even longer, even with tightened screws
Set the length of the rods + 4 cm in the rods from the length of your penis
Insert the penis into the 2 nooses and tighten them slightly so that the penis is fixed and the penis glans is firmly inserted into the extender
After using the penis extender, do not forget to massage the penis with jelqing techniques to improve the blood flow
Next, put the comfort pads or Memory Foam pads on 2 silicone tubes
Now set the tension – the same on both rods. You should be comfortable, but you should feel the pull
I also use the penis pump daily that comes with the Quick Extender Pro in the DELUXE LIMITED EDITION package
Unique design for comfort and protection against bacterial infections. It is lighter than other devices. In its development, there were only hypoallergenic materials. The extender itself is assembled in the United States. It has an American certification, and medical research has proven its effectiveness. The accuracy of holding the settings and a sufficient set of accessories make this extender the most profitable purchase. The extender will work flawlessly for years.
You can if you do not follow the instructions and recommendations of the developer. There are many videos. There are forums where users post their programs for using the extender. You need to focus on your feelings of tension and the duration of use of the device. In general, it is a safe device and its design is designed for comfortable and efficient use.
The first results can be observed after 2 weeks of using the device. This will be an improvement in the duration and strength of erections. As for the size of the penis, these changes will not begin until 1-2 months of use. Try to measure your progress.
You can record the whole routine in a diary on your phone, set reminders, and record progress, tension level, and bar length. All this will help in the history of using the device. Remember – organizing a routine and recording progress, initial penis size, and duration of wear by day, week, and month is a must. I would not have been able to achieve results and would not have received the necessary motivation without it.
And Quick Extender Pro, like other manufacturers, offers to do this on paper. But as you understand, this is not the most convenient option.
I want to point out that the device itself gravitates toward the classic version with rods and tension screws. This is a rigid structure. If you are looking for a more comfortable device, use Phallosan Forte or Penimaster PRO is better. As for the design itself, among competitors
Quick Extender Pro offers 4 packages:
- Deluxe Limited Edition is the most powerful. In includes a ot of accessories and uses 4000g tension springs. Air penis pumps is also included
- Deluxe Standard edition is an optimal choice. It's cheaper than Deluxe Limited edition, but it has a lof of different accessories for customization
- Value edition is the cheapest package It includes a few silicone tubes, some bars and comfort pads. It's ideal for newbiew that want to try penis stretching
- Curvature and Peyronies is the best penis straightening package
Double Strap Support technology
From my experience, I have found that Quick Extender Pro is a flawless device that uses penis traction technology in its original form. It was patented 20 years ago, while classic devices cannot compete with Quick Extender Pro.
Because it is technological innovation, at the same time, the very essence of the action of the stretcher for the penis remains unchanged – constant pressure with a certain force for a certain period. The scar tissue remains forever, and the penis fills with blood better and grows even more relaxed.
DSS technology(Double Strap Support) makes your penis enlargement routine comfortable and safe. Your penis cannot slip out of the device while you wear it. So the tension settings are correct. This is a very important part of the penis traction process.
I can recommend Quick Extender Pro to anyone who intends to get fast results without discomfort and side effects.
What are the benefits of DSS?
- You can distribute the weight of the device. So it will be distributed along the penis shaft
- You can prevent penis slippage. It’s a common problem for the penis extenders of this type
- Memory foam pads and comfort pads are breathable, so there will be no bacterial infection
- You can decide how to wear the device – with one or 2 nooses. You can use the first or the second one to feel comfortable
- You can use one loop and hold it with another.
How does Quick Extender Pro work?
The Quick Extender Pro is a classic device despite the innovative DSS system. The penis traction technology that this device adheres to involves prolonged stretching of the penis in a flaccid state with a certain pressure for a certain amount of time.
In this case, you must strictly adhere to the instructions for using the device. It is very important to follow the correct settings and use the recommended routine, which is described in the instructions. During the use of the device, the cells of the tissues of the penis stretch and divide, forming new cells and, as a result, additional tissue, also called scar tissue.
To ensure proper stretching of the penis, the head is tightened with a special loop. To create it, a silicone tube is taken, which is threaded into the Comfort pad. Thus, at the point of contact between the loop and the head of the penis, there is minimal friction.
In the process of wearing, it is very important because the penis is a very sensitive organ and the friction that occurs where the extender is held on the penis can create pain and discomfort. That’s why Quick Extender Pro uses Comfort Pads.
To ensure penis enlargement, you need to adjust the pressure according to your level of use. If you are a beginner, you will have the weakest settings. But over time, in order to ensure stable growth of the penis, it is necessary to increase the pressure by adding new rods and unscrewing the tension screws for a more accurate and simple adjustment without removing the extender from the penis.
Penis straightening with Quick Extender Pro
The first purpose of extenders was precisely the straightening of the penis with the help of tension. The Quick Extender Pro offers a separate package called the Quick Extender Pro Peyronies and Curvature which uses 4000g springs and an extensive package of comfort accessories.
It does not matter what kind of curvature of the penis you have – how strong and in which direction the penis is curved. Penis traction is able to combat this and not only straighten your penis but also increase your erection and enlarge your penis.
You can read many medical articles from Dr. Levine and other authorities on the effectiveness of penis extenders, such as the Quick Extender Pro. I recommend using this one as it is very light, offers great spring force and the device’s design is perfect for penis straightening.
You can use one or two loops and make your routine as comfortable as possible. Due to the small size and weight of the device, you can carry it even outside the home – drive a car or sit at work.
Within a few months, you can significantly reduce the curvature of the penis, and in 7-9 months, you will almost completely get rid of it.

Compare Quick Extender Pro with other penis extenders
Comparing penis traction devices such as the Quick Extender Pro, Phallosan Forte, PeniMaster Pro, SizeGenetics, Andropenis, Male Edge, Jes Extender can help you make an informed decision when considering these options for potential penile enhancement or treatment.
Here’s a comparison of these devices in terms of key features, design, comfort, and overall user experience:
Design and Mechanism:
Quick Extender Pro: This device uses a mechanical traction system with adjustable rods. It’s designed to provide even tension along the length of the penis.
Phallosan Forte: Phallosan Forte features a vacuum-based mechanism combined with a belt, allowing for multi-directional tension. It can be worn comfortably under clothing.
PeniMaster Pro: PeniMaster Pro employs a vacuum-based method and a belt for secure attachment. It’s designed for versatile use, allowing for various wearing positions.
SizeGenetics: SizeGenetics utilizes a similar mechanical traction system to Quick Extender Pro with adjustable rods. It’s designed to be customizable for various user needs.
Comfort and Discreetness:
Quick Extender Pro: Users have reported good comfort levels, but it may be less discreet when worn under clothing due to the rod-based design.
Phallosan Forte: Known for its comfort and discreetness, it can be worn for extended periods, even during daily activities.
PeniMaster Pro: Provides good comfort and can be discreet under clothing. Its flexible design allows for different wearing positions.
SizeGenetics: Comfort varies from user to user. Some users find it comfortable, while others may experience discomfort due to the rod-based system.
Clinical Studies:
- All of these devices claim to have clinical studies supporting their efficacy. However, it’s important to critically evaluate these studies and consult with healthcare professionals for a more accurate assessment.
Customization and Adjustability:
Quick Extender Pro and SizeGenetics offer adjustable tension and length options for customization.
Phallosan Forte and PeniMaster Pro also allow for adjustments but have a different mechanism that allows for multi-directional stretching.
Package Inclusions and Price:
- Prices and included accessories may vary. It’s essential to compare packages and costs to determine the best value for your specific needs.
User Reviews and Feedback:
- Look for user reviews and feedback to gain insights into real-world experiences with these devices. Keep in mind that individual results can vary.
Customer Support and Warranty:
- Consider the level of customer support and warranty offered by the manufacturer. This can be crucial for addressing any issues or concerns.
Safety and Precautions:
- Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for safe usage to avoid discomfort or injury. Consult with a healthcare professional before using any traction device, especially if you have underlying medical conditions.
In summary, the choice between these penis traction devices will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Factors such as comfort, discretion, clinical studies, and price may play a significant role in your decision.
It’s essential to conduct thorough research, consult with a healthcare professional, and consider user reviews when making your choice. Additionally, always use these devices as directed to minimize the risk of discomfort or injury.